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Taxsaver Tickets
Commuters who are entitled to claim tax relief to travel to work can do so by availing of our taxsaver travel scheme. This scheme allows you to apply for 3, 6, 12 month tickets through your employer and in turn deductions are made through payroll on a weekly/monthly basis.
These tickets are not incorporated onto a personalised leap card.
Taxsaver Tickets
Commuters who are entitled to claim tax relief to travel to work can do so by availing of our taxsaver travel scheme. This scheme allows you to apply for 3, 6, 12 month tickets through your employer and in turn deductions are made through payroll on a weekly/monthly basis.
These tickets are now incorporated onto a personalised leap card.
Claim A Lost Item
Lost something? Please click below to see if it has been found by one of our employees.
Make the leap & Save
Leap Card is the most convenient and cheapest way to pay for travel with Matthews. Now accepted on all routes, it saves carrying cash and is more beneficial to the customer as your card is always redeemable once registered. Students who have the Leap Student card can benefit from a lot of discounts and benefits.
Make the leap & Save
Leap Card is the most convenient and cheapest way to pay for travel with Matthews. Now accepted on all routes, it saves carrying cash and is more beneficial to the customer as your card is always redeemable once registered. Students who have the Leap Student card can benefit from a lot of discounts and benefits.
Gift Vouchers
Why not give the gift of travel to someone special, with a voucher from which can be used on our commuter service? Vouchers for our commuter services are the perfect way to offer a friend or family member an easy travel solution and are available in a series of denominations. You can purchase any of our vouchers from the Customer Service desk at Marshes Shopping Centre or by contacting our office on +353 42 9378188. Alternatively, send an enquiry and a member of staff will get back to you.
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