With the continued increase of fuel prices and a reduction in passenger numbers due to Covid we like many businesses have had a difficult couple of years. So that we can continue offering the level of service to our passengers have come to expect from Mathews.ie we have had to review our fares.
The increase will come into effect on January 2nd but will only affect 10-trip tickets. The 10-trip tickets will increase by €5 on each route. From January 2nd 2022, the Adult 10-Trip will cost €65 and the student 10-Trip will cost €60.
The cost of Taxsaver tickets, return or single tickets are not increasing. We are in talks with the National Transport Authority to create a more flexible Taxsaver ticket for those have a blended work week.
We will continue to monitor our service and ensure that we offer a quality service to suit your needs whether it be for work, appointments, or shopping. Matthews.ie are constantly looking at ways to enhance your experience and strive to offer a high frequency, reliable service.
Tickets purchased before Jan 1
st will be honoured and no extra change will be applied – the price increase will only come into effect when you purchase a new ticket from January 2nd 2022.