are aiming to give four college students a back to school boost by offering them free travel until Christmas.
Now in its fourth year, the Ticket To Ride competition aims to bring some relief to hard-pressed students and their parents.
“We want four students, one from the Dundalk area, one from the Drogheda area, one who uses our Bettystown service and one from Dublin who travels up to college in this area to be able to travel with Matthews for free until Christmas,” said Managing Director Paddy Matthews.
“Renting in Dublin has become impossible for most families due to the ever-increasing cost, so we wanted to do our bit to help.
“One of the major factors behind over the years has been the fact that students see the service as a low-cost, high-quality alternative to moving to Dublin.
“Our cheaper ten-journey student tickets have proved to be invaluable to those who use our regular services to get to Dublin colleges such as DCU, ST Pat’s, Trinity and DIT, or our special services to UCD – or indeed to DkIT or DIFE.
“And our free wifi means that people tend to get some work done while they travel too!
“We thought that we would give away a semester travel pass to four students at this time of year, to ease the burden of college fees and other expenses.
“The closing date is Friday, September 21st and we would encourage parents to enter on behalf of their student children as very often it is they who are bearing the cost.”