If you are travelling to Croke Park on Saturday, August 25th please avail of our regular service from Dundalk, Drogheda, Bettystown or Laytown.
No pre-payment is required for the Saturday service because we will pass Croke Park as part of our regular route.
Check out our times to suit you at matthews.ie/timetable
BUT like any large event, Dorset Street will be closed after the ceremony. So you are advised to return to Cumberland Street North for the return journey.
Use our maps below to find your way from the stadium to the bus stop on Cumebrland Street North for the return trip.
https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1CMaYlbgjsvR1OMeJKM50s_XIZH0&ll=53.357834299732424%2C-6.250495000000001&z=16 – This route is for people exiting from the Cusack Stand. Please follow this route to get to Matthews Coach Hire pick up point on Cumberland Street North.
https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?hl=en&mid=1Ubem7JLEl6vwcZxiVmJUwEaJBEg&ll=53.357109799964334%2C-6.255753949999985&z=16 – This route is for people exiting the ground from the Hogan Stand / Davin Stand. Please follow to this route to get to the Matthews Coaches pick up point on Cumberland Street North.